
My husband hasn't had much luck in his job search. He has been looking for a new job ever since HP laid him off the end of last July. He was told by several different sources that a person at his level of salary and technical expertise would need at least a year to find a new job. My husband has his own theories on why he hasn't been hired yet.

One of those theories is he looks "too old". [insert wry grin here] He is NOT old. But high tech is a youth dominated field. He feels his gray hair is aging him. To remedy this, we combed the racks of hair color choices at our last visit to the supermarket and selected an appropriate shade and level of gray coverage. Natural Instincts. I just left him in the bathroom, reading National Geographic, with his hair coated with dark brown goop. The timer is ticking.

Hopes are high that this experiment will take 10 years off his appearance. [insert another wry grin here]


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