
Well...the social worker has come and gone. Overall, I think it went well. After the house walk-through, we all sat in the living room to talk. Tyler was NOT behaving well. He was a major disturbance. He didn't want us to talk, so he screamed and carried on. *sigh*  I laughed it off. I don't know what got in to Ty today. He is usually pretty well behaved.

As she was updating our personal family information, the doorbell rang. It was a FreeCycle person looking to pick up some books and a cross stitch begginers kit I had posted. Turns out our social worker is a major FreeCycler too! So that sparked a lively discussion about giving things away and being tempted by other people's offerings.

Suddenly, she changed gears and got back to the home study. The next question? "What is your Mother-in-Law's name?" Uh. Uh. Um... CRAP! Major brain fart. I couldn't remember my own MIL's name!!!! John had taken Tyler upstairs to try and distract him so I had to holler to the other end of the house and ask that REALLY stupid question. John was laughing. OMG I need some sleep or something. LOL

I hope she doesn't hold that against us. I also blabbed about giving in to anger twice and spanking Tyler when he did something that SCARED ME TO DEATH. We are a no-hit household, ordinarily. She said "well...I just won't put that in here. Not that I am LYING. You don't believe in spanking, right?"  NJ's division of youth and family services has a strict no corporal punishment policy. eeek. I knew that. I don't know why I felt the need to confess. Probably because I feel so darn GUILTY for doing it and she was such a nice lady and easy to talk to.

Ah well. She was impressed with all my photos and the cool portfolio I've put together for potental birth-mothers to look at. The house looks pretty good. All we can do now is wait.

P.S. Now maybe I can get caught up on my journal reading! I am sooo far behind. LOL


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