Opening Pandora's ... er ... Website!

A big THANK YOU to my bloggy pal, Donna, for pointing me to Pandora. What is Pandora, you ask?

So glad you asked! It's an internet radio station...sorta. The big difference is you are in control of the station programming. You start by picking a band or song you really like. They will play that song/group right off the bat, but in the background the site is putting together a playlist of other artists and songs that they feel have a similar style and sound as the band you like. Then they play one of their suggestions as the next song. If you like it, you can click Guide Us and say so. Ditto if you DON'T like it. What you end up with is a radio station full of songs and artists you LOVE and nothing you don't. How cool is that?

So far I am on song number 8 and they haven't thrown anything at me that I don't like...and all I did was pick Rush as my starting band. And the sound quality over my cable broadband connection is friggin awesome! Now I wish I had a cigarette lighter so I could light it and wave it over my head. Heh.


Unhinged said…
Hey, yo. I love Pandora, too! I wrote about it here.
Chris said…
I like the feature on Napster that is similar. When you pick a band, in the profile it gives a list of other bands that you might like and it's generally accurate.
Donna. W said…
Hey, I'm glad I could help. Everybody needs Pandora.
freeepeace said…
Man, did they score on that domain name! Brilliant. Can hardly wait to hear how it sounds on my ten-dollar yard-sale desktop speakers. YEAH!
Anonymous said…
So cool! Thanks to your friend Donna (must be in the name:). I have I am loving my selections as well.

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