The Quirky MeMe
Karen tagged me a few days just for her:
5 Quirky Things about Becky
- I wrap leftovers and save, no matter how little there is left. I hate to waste food. The problem is these leftovers rarely get eaten so I end up tossing them once then get old and moldy.
- I just asked Tyler to tell me something quirky about his mommy and he said "You poop in funny orangey green." Um. Oookaaaay. Not that I've ever noticed this myself, but that sounds pretty odd.
- I like to go through my day mostly in the nude. Only at home, of course. I think I should move to a warmer climate.
- I like to eat my Skittles (and other multi-colored candies) in color order. First all the orange. Then all the green and yellow, in pairs, to make lemon-lime. Then purple. Then red. My husband thinks this is odd (he just chows on them by the rainbow handful). I like to savor the individual flavors.
- I like mayo on my french fries. Heck, I like mayo on just about anything. But I hear mayo on fries isn't that odd in some parts of the US and some foreign countries.
- I love the smell of a freshly opened Pepsi. And only Pepsi. I don't feel the urge to sniff Coke, Dr. Pepper or any of my other favorites. Yep. I definitely don't sniff Coke. ;-)
Oh that 6? Oh well. Good enough. I think I'm supposed to tag 5 people, but most of my journal pals have done this one. Sara S? don't do MeMes, right? Kim, if you were still keeping your journal I'd love to see how you respond to this. LOL Holly? Stacy?
5 Quirky Things about Becky
- I wrap leftovers and save, no matter how little there is left. I hate to waste food. The problem is these leftovers rarely get eaten so I end up tossing them once then get old and moldy.
- I just asked Tyler to tell me something quirky about his mommy and he said "You poop in funny orangey green." Um. Oookaaaay. Not that I've ever noticed this myself, but that sounds pretty odd.
- I like to go through my day mostly in the nude. Only at home, of course. I think I should move to a warmer climate.
- I like to eat my Skittles (and other multi-colored candies) in color order. First all the orange. Then all the green and yellow, in pairs, to make lemon-lime. Then purple. Then red. My husband thinks this is odd (he just chows on them by the rainbow handful). I like to savor the individual flavors.
- I like mayo on my french fries. Heck, I like mayo on just about anything. But I hear mayo on fries isn't that odd in some parts of the US and some foreign countries.
- I love the smell of a freshly opened Pepsi. And only Pepsi. I don't feel the urge to sniff Coke, Dr. Pepper or any of my other favorites. Yep. I definitely don't sniff Coke. ;-)
Oh that 6? Oh well. Good enough. I think I'm supposed to tag 5 people, but most of my journal pals have done this one. Sara S? don't do MeMes, right? Kim, if you were still keeping your journal I'd love to see how you respond to this. LOL Holly? Stacy?
The only one of your quirks hat applies to me too, sort of, sometimes,I wouldn't want to admit online! - K.
I am a stickler about finishing my plate..I hate to waste food that I will eat it all and then get sick. I really need to learn to get smaller portions.
Lol You crack me up.
I dont arrange my candy, but my food..I am one of them people that will eat all one thing first..move to the second..finish all of that...Lol. I'm a hog when I eat too. NOt a pretty site! LOL
Happy Holidays Becky!!
A Couple of Nomads
Directory Assistance is published by an advocate team of Vivian, Judith, Patrick, Gabreael, Virginia, Vince and me (Ayn). We are offering an open community blog that serves as a form of connection between you and community members like us.
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With all our heart,
Your Directory Assistance
I might try and do Quirky Me a little later. (I don't feel quirky lately, though. Just quiet and sad and trying to keep positive.)
If I walked around nude the people at work would complain:)
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