Birthday Boy

A band was playing live Christmas music, there was a roaring fire in the 3 story tall fireplace, people were drinking eggnog and hot cider while watching their kids visit with Rudolph...and then reality came crashing down as I had Tyler whining in one ear that he wanted to swim and John in the other ear bitching about the noise and crowds. *sigh* I swore if their attitudes didn't improve, next time I'll go back there with someone ELSE (Kim! You'll go with me, right?)
By lunch time the next day, the boys' moods had improved considerably. Tyler had a ball spending his birthday at the water park. We had a great dinner too. The look on Ty's face was priceless as the waitstaff sang their funny birthday song to him. Unfortunately, my head cold was getting steadily worse. It was a bad idea for me to go swimming, but I had to get in and play with Ty too. The park was WAY too fun to miss just because of a little coughing and sniffling, right? I'm paying for it today. But it was still worth it!
I really wanted to go on the big water slides, but I hesitated. My weight is always on my mind and never more so than when there are amusement parks involved. "Will I fit? Can I fasten the belt? Will I be forced to exit the ride because I exceed the limit? Will it be like that Simpson's episode when Homer got wedged in the tube of the water slide?" Ya know. I'm going to try my damnedest to be thinner for our next visit. Maybe by then Tyler will want to go on the slides WITH me.
Tyler's favorite thing from this weekend? The Whoopee Cushion he got with his prize tickets from the arcade. Boys and their fart noises...the amusement is endless. Photos from the week end can be seen here.
Tyler is a typical male enjoying the Whoopee Cushion. Dawn