I don't take Tyler to "professional" photographers or studios very often. Why should I? I get great shots of him on my own. But once a year I get a call from an outfit called Treasure Portraits. They do a "formal sitting" in your own home. The guy shows up at your door with almost all the gear needed... lighting, backdrop, camera gear...yadda. All I have to provide is a blanket for Ty to sit on and any props we want to use.
The backdrop is rather boring, but there is something to be said for the consistency of seeing the changes in Tyler, year after year, with no distracting background to take away from his total cuteness. *wink*
Another great reason to stick with these folks? The place that sold us Tyler's baby furniture gave us 7 years of free 8x10s from Treasure Portraits. Of course, they never told me how freakin EXPENSIVE the photo packages are.
I feel compelled to buy a basic package every time. Why? I want the proofs. Even if I don't get prints of them, they are all photos of Tyler and I want them all. Honestly? This kid can't take a bad photo! Seriously! See for yourself...
The big photo on top is the one I had made into an 8x10. The rest are all his proofs. Now are these really any better than the ones I take?
I don't think so.