This Friday is the one year anniversary of the start of my online journal. I'm so glad I found this new medium to use as an outlet for my writing. Not every entry is pure gold...but I have been really enjoying crafting my entries and reading all the other great journals on my "list".
Just for fun, I thought I would compile some Journal trivia:
1. Entry with the most comments (39) - Blabbitty funny that was the entry where I announced that my journal was being featured for the first time on the Journals home page.
2. My first entry (on a very somber topic) - Suicide
3. In my own opinion, my funniest (and grossest) entry - Affliction sometimes you have to laugh or you will just cry.
4. What I thought would be my most controversial post...but a future one will blow this out of the water - Circumcision
5. Topic that is the most "touchy" for me - Obesity
6. Most fun with PhotoShop...examples below:
I strategically removed the hose from this one...heh heh!
OK...that was fun. I hope I can find the time to finish the entry I want to submit on Friday. I have to be in the right mind-set to do these deeply personal narratives...