WeAss #219 Transportation
Weekend Assignment #219: What is your favorite form of transportation, and why? You can choose any means of traveling by land, sea or air, with just one catch: it has to currently exist in the real world, or have existed in the past. No TARDIS, no Star Trek transporter, no flying DeLoreans, all right?
Extra Credit: What's the most unusual form of transportation you've ever taken?

Extra Credit: What's the most unusual form of transportation you've ever taken?
While I love the comfort and convenience of my mini-van, I confess I crave some very different modes of transport.
Firstly, I would LOVE to have one of these:
We rode these in Bermuda and I've wanted to get back on one ever since. I think it would be GREAT to tool around town on one. I'd get Tyler a nice helmet too. What a fun way to get to school in the morning. (Of course I have no clue what the laws are when it comes to passengers on these...but I would check, of course.)
Second choice would be a Segway. Currently I have an issue with the maximum allowed weight on these (which sucks) but maybe one day I can address that. Maybe that can be my incentive. Hey honey? If I get under the max allowed on a Segway, will you get me one? Or better yet, get me that cool Vespa?
Third choice would be one of these:

But seriously, I might be forced into one of those at the rate I'm going.
EDITED 6/8 1:49PM to add:
I forgot to do the extra credit part! Most unusual form of transport I've ever taken...hmm. There was the sky tram in the New Mexico mountains, cable cars in San Francisco, scooters in Bermuda...probably the most unusual was catching a ride on a C-130 (at least I think that's what it was called) military transport plane. Can't recall if it was to or from Okinawa where my Dad was stationed when I was a kid. I only remember that is was VERY LOUD.
And a note to Trish - that Vespa up above? It is FAST. It can do freeways with no problem. :-)
I flew many times on that c-130 or whatever it was. As a matter of fact, when we got back to the states after our tour in Spain my kids wanted to know why they didn't have to wear earplugs on commercial airlines.
MY most unusual mode of transportation? On the BOB unit during my Caribbean cruise. Waaay too slow for me, not to mention that it was underwater.
I think it'd be cool to have a Vespa, but not in L.A. Uh...no.