Christmas Day
Photos from this big gift extravaganza are here. Now I'm going to start dinner. We're having lobster bisque, burgundy beef with twice stuffed baked potatoes and maple glazed carrots. Raspberry mousse for dessert. What are YOU eating today?
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Sorry, I couldn't help it!
Luckily Myla napped while Meg, Adam and I openend most of the presents. She woke happy and sassy, smiling and babbling until Meg told me to open one of her gifts. I ripped the paper and she burst into wails, clinging to Meg, tears creeping down her face!
I hate to admit it: her loving mother and grandmother burst into laughter, and giggled on an d off for the next 10 minutes. The rest of the gifts were opened last night after she was sound asleep!
Happy New Years!!
My Blog
Now I'm hungry. On Christmas I ate tamales and popcorn. No, really. And it was good!
So anyway, I'll be riiiight over for my share of the twice baked taters. I just luv 'em.